Contact Me

I usually sleep between 6 pm and 12 am Pacific time so if you contact me during that time, I will get right back to you when I see the email.

I answer all my emails whether by direct email or through Niteflirt. If you are not receiving a response from me, please check your spam folder.


Contact me on Niteflirt!
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Please, when we discuss a design and a start date, I will be ready for you on that date. So by the agreed-upon date, I will need everything from you. If I do not have everything on that date, I will start with someone else who has provided me with everything I need. This will delay your yours. Like any appointment anywhere else, if you don’t show up, they move on to the next customer/patient, etc. and you will have to reschedule.

Also, when I am working on your design, please keep in email contact with me in case I have questions etc. If it’s something regarding your design and you don’t respond, this will also cause your project to be delayed. This is just a common courtesy. 

Thank you for understanding.